"Yeah, I've got this new project I'm working on that I'm really excited about." I say, not able to hide my huge grin.
"Oh really? What's that?" My friend narrows her eyes and takes a sip of her coffee.
proceed to tell her all about my new endeavor as an indie author. I
watch as her expression goes from curious to something akin to
amusement. After I finish my story she pummels me with questions about
what I'm working on, all of them with a negative slant. After her
interrogation she redirects the conversation to focus on this magical
project she's working on, which she never mentioned until I mentioned
mine. Of course her project is way better than mine in every way
possible. In the mean time I'm seriously starting to second guess
myself. After we part ways self doubt is nagging at me and I'm starting
to question my project.
If you're doing anything outside the box,
I'm sure you're run into people like that, sometimes even in your inner
circle. They humor you, sometimes giving you a pat on the head and a
Scooby Snack. They think you're so cute with your delusions of grandeur
and dreams of success. As they're talking, you feel your enthusiasm for
your project begin to wane. You trust these people since they're
supposedly your friend and they only have your best interests at heart.
They wouldn't steer you wrong would they? Don't fall for it.
them for what they are; a hater in disguise. Because they're wearing a
friendly face, it's hard to identify these creatures for what they
really are. Your friend couldn't possibly be a hater, could they? Oh
they may be polite and nice about it, claiming to just be looking out
for you, they are your friend after all. The fact still remains that
they want to stop you in your tracks. Sometimes it may be just outright
jealousy that you're on a path to pursue your dreams and they're stuck
in the same rut. It may that they hate change and want to keep you
confined to the safe little box. They may be afraid that with your new
project you won't have the same time available to devote to your
friendship. Whatever the case may be, as long as you're not doing
anything illegal or that can hurt you or someone else, don't let these
human roadblocks stand in your way.
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