Sunday, November 18, 2012

More Drama Please!

I grew up feeding my imagination soap operas. My days were filled with the sinister escapades of Asa Buchanan on One Life to Live or wondering how Erica Kane was going to tell her latest beau that secret she'd been holding on to for the past six months. After getting home from school, I'd sit with my mom, engrossed in the dramatic story lines.  

I find that same drama, working its way into our writing.  We're nearing the halfway point in Book 2 of our series.  My co-author and I were doing some writing the other night, when she conjured up this mysterious new character.  She IM'd me the character specifics and a scene she'd written with him in it.  Like a runaway freight train we were barrelling down the tracks with a whole new mythology that could actually stand on it's own. The fantastic feeling of creating and taking new directions is beyond exhilarating!. Oh, and naps help recharge the creative mind when your in a slump. The first soap opera i ever saw was Dark Shadows, the original one on television. The imagery that conjured up in my very young imagination was far more than even than the TV show was airing. I'd sit and create in my head whole episodes that didn't even exist. Who new then I was doing what is now called Fan Fiction. I was too young to put it down in words. Then came all the other wonderful daytime dramas with the twists and turns of love and life. We talked about these characters almost everyday as if they were real, even though we knew they weren't. It fed our innate human need for gossip, drama and suspense. With the demise of some of my favorite soaps, (OLTL, AMC you will always live on in my heart) I am not surprised to see many people turning to even more dramatic shows like Sons of Anarchy or Dexter, True Blood or any number of nighttime dramas and finding the office water cooler talk revolving around them. People want and need the drama and the intensity, the escape and fantasy of our own everyday humdrum lives. It's a formula as old as Greek and Roman mythology. Those stories were told and handed down with just as much twists and turns as any drama today as any real student of mythology knows.

I make no apologies for the drama related in our current and future books. It fills a need. My own. My writing partner and i write for ourselves as any good writer should, but we humbly invite you to share in that ride and hope you enjoy the fantasy.

The Body Hunters (Volume 1)

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