Friday, November 1, 2013

It's Secret Santa Time Again!

It happens once a year. You and your coworkers draw names for Secret Santa. Here's a word of advice, be mindful of the person who'll be purchasing that gift for you.

For example, last year Von had the sheer luck of drawing one of our coworkers. Now this young lady didn't ask for a nice fluffy Snuggie or a pair of comfortable slippers. She wanted a copy of 50 Shades of Grey. If you want the book, that's fine, that's your business, your personal business. My question is why would you want to put someone you work with in the awkward position of purchasing a book that's has the stigma of being 'Mommy Porn'? Now you're leaving a coworker with the decision of whether to gift wrap it or just throw it in a paper bag.

Being a Secret Santa is all about the spreading the Christmas Spirit. There's nothing like the joy of picking out the perfect gift for someone you work with and the look of glee as they open their gift. I shouldn't have to be embarrassed going to the store and purchasing an item on your list.  Gift buying shouldn't be a life altering decision. So if the thing on your list requires batteries or has three speeds, unless it's a blender, take it off. Yes, that even includes that paperback copy of Taken by the T-Rex ; ) Please refrain from putting personal items on you wish list. Happy Holiday Season y'all!

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